**SOLD OUT**TOUR #4 – Calistoga: Villa Ca’Toga and Ca’Toga Art Gallery; self-guided tour of Calistoga galleries, May 16, 2024, Thursday
Clamber onto the Amador Stage Coach to Calistoga Appellation of Napa Valley for a private tour of Villa Ca’ Toga followed by a visit to Ca’ Toga Art Gallery. Villa Ca’ Toga is the residence/studio/retreat of Carlo Marchiori, an artist born in Rossano near Venice in 1937. On 5 acres, he has recreated an Italian villa of his youth.
On the grounds of the villa, Commedia dell’ arte figures, Pulcinella, Pantaloon and Arlecchino, adorn columns and gates in the sculpture courtyard. The Grotto and Roman Theater welcome visitors in the front yard. Toward the rear of the property are Greco-Roman ruins, a shady river walk, Thai stupas and a pocket pyramid as well as a Roman pool, fountains and hot tub.
In the interior, the villa consists of a main Salone and six large rooms: Pompeiian Room, Library, Greek Room, Birdcage Room, Cow Room and Southwest Room. Each one has a whimsical theme or classical interpretation of an ancient dream.
Calistoga is an entirely walkable town. Be on the lookout for Collings & Legere Art Gallery showcasing Marta Collings & Therese Legere. Ira Yeager studio is located at the Yager Galerie. Just doors down from Yager is Napa Valley Art on the Vine, home of the artist Shawn Smith.
Calistoga Inn & Brew Pub has been suggested as one place to enjoy lunch. (Lunch is not covered in the price of your ticket.)
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